Technical Support via Forum

I will address your technical issues of this theme with different priority set as follows:

Top Priority
If you encounter functionality issues (eg. themes display wrongly in Firefox), I’ll look into that as first priority and will try to address the problems within 3 working days. You can post your questions in the support forum.

Note:  This theme is not designed to work with ALL plugins. Unless you show me how popular the plugin is, please don’t ask me to fix the compatibility issue with the individual plugins.

I consider a plugin as popular when the All-Time downloads in WordPress is above 200,000. Take WordPress Stat plugin as an example, the all-time downloads can be found at and it is more than 500,000 as of this writing. Therefore, we’ll fix the problem, if any, pertaining to this plugin.

However, due to the strict coding standard that I always adhere to, my themes should work well with most of the popular plugins.

Less Priority
For other issues, I’ll make your comments live and will address them whenever I have time. The solution is not guaranteed. I also hope that other users can help solve your issues while waiting for my reply.

However, if you are kind enough to make a small donation, I’ll give the first priority to resolve any of your issues. Simply donate to my Paypal via wpsubmit @ and specify your comment ID.

I hope this is the most efficient way to address your problems and requests.

Category: About This Theme
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